slack wax 5% oil content

slack wax 5% oil content

Slack Wax Definition

Slack Wax is a mixture of paraffin wax and oil that is originated from petroleum crude oil. Slack Wax oil content range is from 5% to 30%. It is also knwon as Fully Refined and Semi Refined Paraffin Wax raw material. Slack Wax is used to produce all grades of paraffin wax by deoiling and bleaching processes. Deoiling process is decrease the oil of slack wax by different methods and bleaching process is discoloring slack wax from yellow or brown to the white. By these types of refining, we can produce paraffin wax from slack wax.

Slack Wax 5% oil content

This type of slack wax is the best one to produce low cost paraffin wax because of the oil content. But the price of this type is higher than others. It includes light grade and heavy grade. The difference between light grade and heavy grade is in the melting point.

Slack Wax 5% oil content packing

RAHA Group is able to provide below types of packing for esteemed clients:

  1. 300 Kg Jumbo Bags
  2. 1000 Kg Jumbo Bags
  3. 1200 Kg Jumbo Bags
  4. 180 Kg New Steel Drums
  5. 180 Kg Recondition Steel Drums
  6. 25 Kg Slab form

We can load 98 drums in each 20 Ft. container.

Analysis of Slack Wax 5% oil content

Characteristic Unit Typical Test method
Kinematic viscosity @100 ˚C Cst 5 ASTM D-445
Flash point ˚C 230 ASTM D-92
Specific gravity 25 ˚C/25 ˚C 0.80 ASTM D-190
Oil Content %wt 3-5 ASTM D-721
Congealing Point ˚C 55 ASTM D-937
Color 3 ASTM D-1500
Drop Melting Point ˚C 57 ASTM D-127

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